Post 7
The Pledge of Allegiance stands as a representation of all that our country has experienced throughout the years. It stands as a reminder of what our founding fathers bore witness to when fighting for our independence as a nation. When Francis Bellamy wrote the pledge in 1892, it was for a children’s magazine as part of the National Public School Celebration of Columbus Day, and it was meant to be recited on a daily basis. At that time, the spirit of patriotism and nationalism was wavering in Americans’ hearts. It was written in order to reawaken Americanism, and what better place to start than in public schools around the country? Thus, it is perfectly appropriate that we recite the Pledge of Allegience in public school, and there is no reason why American students shouldn’t have to say it daily. The Pledge is still relevant today as a powerful force for unity, and it continues to represent patriotism and pride in our country. “I believe that saying the Pledge of Allegiance daily all...